Stop the EARN IT act

The EARN IT act, a bipartisan bill making its way through Congress, seeks to effectively outlaw strong encryption and user privacy under the guise of reducing online child abuse.

I don't doubt that child abuse online is a problem, but that was already covered under section 2258A of the Communications Decency Act. And, oddly enough, there haven't been any prosecutions under that section. So a couple of things could have happened:

So in short, there are two problems, and two solutions. And neither of those solutions is the EARN IT act. First, if there's a lot happening, just prosecute. Enforce the specific exemption for section 230 immunity and prosecute the providers responsible. And, if there really isn't a lot happening, figure out why instead of taking a stab at user privacy.

TL;DR: The EARN IT act wants to outlaw encryption, doesn't solve the problem it says it will, and it's all around useless at best and a disaster at worst.

Here are some more links that sum this up in way more detail than I did. TODO